Location: 6700 Indiana Ave #100
Riverside, CA 92506
Conveniently located right off the 91 Freeway and Arlington Exit, at the corner of Indiana Ave and Jane St, in the Indiana Business Center across from "Baker's" (fast food) and "Antonio's Pizza".
From Downtown Riverside on the 91 Freeway headed West:
1. Exit Arlington Ave
2. Left onto Arlington Ave
3. Immediate Right onto Indiana Ave
4. Next Left onto Jane St
5. Right into parking lot
From Tyler Mall area on the 91 Freeway headed East:
1. Exit Arlington Ave (not Van Buren/Arlington exit)
2. Con't Straight onto Jane St (across Indiana Ave)
3. Right into parking lot
From Moreno Valley and Mission Grove Area (avoiding the freeway):
1. Take Alessandro Blvd going West
2. Left onto Arlington Ave
3. Left onto Indiana Ave (right before the 91 freeway overpass)
4. Next Left onto Jane St
5. Right into parking lot